Thursday, January 26, 2017

"Catherine's Restaurant" 9x12, oil, awnings, Americana, american flag, colorful buildings, street scene, Impressionism, Maryanne Jacobsen art, Catherine's Restaurant

"Catherine's Restaurant" 9x12, oil

Awhile back I passed this adorable restaurant in Unionville, Pa, while traveling to a site to paint during the Plein Air Brandywine Valley Festival.

I am a huge sucker for brightly -colored awnings, so I knew I'd have to paint this!!!!!
Evidently, Catherine's is a very popular restaurant in the area and has been written up many times  by local newspapers for its fine cuisine. I have added it to my bucket list as a must-do restaurant the next time we are up in that area.

To check out their menu, just go here and happy eating!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

"Another Snow Day", 12x12, oil on panel, paintings of snow scenes, kids in winter, snowman, playing in snow, impressionism, oil on panel, small study

"Another Snow Day", 12x12, oil on panel

After working so hard on "Firstborn" (see yesterday's post, which took me about a  week to paint, I decided to just do something just for fun yesterday that wouldn't require as much concentration. I had so much fun doing "Snow Day" a few weeks back that I decided to create another snow scene and hence,  we have "Another Snow Day". This time, I put girls in the painting. It looks much better in person, because it's kind of loose and sloppy. I tried an experimental technique, one I hadn't tried before- using acrylic color as my ground. Sure dried fast!

Monday, January 23, 2017

"Firstborn", 11x14, oil, Maryanne Jacobsen fine art, motherhood, mother's love, newborn art, mother and child, mother's day, oil on linen panel

"Firstborn", 11x14, oil

I painted this poignant scene about 6 years back in a smaller format and decided to have another go at it. Motherhood is one of the most wonderful, challenging, uplifting, frightening and rewarding experiences of womanhood. I am so happy to have experienced the joy and challenges in raising three sons. Once a mother, always a mother. The love and concern never stops until the day a mother breathes her last breath.

I hope that you like this painting.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

"December Snow", 12x16, oil on panel. snow scene, paintings of snow, palette knife , Chester County, Pennsylvania scene, impressionism, Maryanne JAcobsen art


"December Snow", 12x16, oil

Another snow scene. Painted with a palette knife. Please email me at if interested in purchasing this painting.

Tuesday, January 03, 2017

"Snow Day", 8x10, oil on panel, snow study, winter scenes, winter snow art, sledding, Chester Springs, Pa. Pennsylvania impressionism, Maryanne Jacobsen art

"Snow Day", 8x10, oil on panel

The last day of 2016 I was feeling nostalgic and rahter homesick for my old homestead up in Chester Springs, Pa. So on New Years Eve I painted this little study of two of my sons sledding in front of our home. It was a great place to sled, lots of hills, and because it was pretty rural back then, there was very little traffic on the roads.

Hoping that all of my friends and collectors have a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year!

To purchase this little snowy study, please email me at