Friday, June 22, 2007

The Peaceful Kingdom, Final Version

"A Peaceful Kingdom", final version, 24 x24, oil on masonite, (Note: you can click on the image to see more detail)

Being me, I couldn't let this alone today, because I knew there were spots that needed additional development. The problem is that the more you mess with a painting, the less spontaneous it becomes. In this case, I'm glad I worked it a little more. I worked on the water, the sky, the distant mountains, and a bit of the foreground. I may wait until it's completely dry and add a final glaze to unify it overall, but other than that I'm definitely done with this one.

The painting has a really lovely ethereal quality throughout the water and sky patterns, that just can't be captured with a camera or seen with a computer monitor. In spite of all the color, it definitely has a peaceful feel to it, and I may save it for a show, if it doesn't sell.

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