Friday, January 22, 2010

"Mission San Juan Capistrano", 10x8, oil on linen

"Mission San Juan Capistrano", 10x8, oil on linen

This is an older painting, but it happens to be one of those paintings that I just didn't really want to ever sell. The beautiful mission San Juan Capistrano is near and dear to my heart for reasons that I won't go into here, but the fact of the matter is that this painting sold today, and I do hope that it will bring much warmth into the home of the lady and gentleman in Maine who bought it!

It is funny how we sometimes become so attached to paintings that they become difficult to actually sell, sort of like saying farewell to a special friend who is moving to a far-away place. Although we live in a small world these days- with the Internet and such, it is still a burden to know that someone or something special in our little lives is even just a few plane hours away!

Enough of this! It has been a very good week for me!

I won two ribbons for my art this week in two separate shows and also sold a beloved painting as well. I suppose I should be happy as artists can call themselves happy- yet what really is happiness other than contentment?

I am trying to be contented... but life is hectic and the winds keep blowing.

I am hoping to start painting regularly again, so please stay tuned!

My next painting? Something to replace a spot that is very special to me! Can you guess?

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