Thursday, December 02, 2010

"Serendipity", bold color, palette knife floral painting, 12x12, texture by MAryanne Jacobsen


"Serendipity", 12x12, oil on wrapped canvas-Add a frame for only $25 and receive the painting ready to give as a gift for the holidays! (Note: Please click on the photo to see a close-up of the texture.)

I haven't done one of these gooey paintings in a while. I call them gooey paintings because there is so much paint on the canvas in the end that it literally seems as though I was icing a cake instead of painting a still life floral! These paintings almost always start out as an attempt to conserve paint. since paint is expensive and I am cheap. I try to save what is left over on my palette from the day's painting session, so I spread all the left over paint on the canvas like icing. This usually results in a thick coating of neutral- colored paint, better known as "mud" to artists like myself who save it. But then my efforts to conserve paint go right out the window, as I inevitably have to start all over again the next day with fresh paint in order to finish the painting!

Here is photo of the painting framed:

Anyhow, this painting was done with a palette knife only and was fun to do. It was serendipitous that I had a bunch of flowers, glass vases and an orange at my fingertips when I started the painting, and so I didn't have to think too much about the subject. If you like thick paint and an abstract approach to subject matter, then you'll probably like this.

1 comment:

  1. This painting is gorgeous! You are so good with the palette knife!
