Friday, September 28, 2012

"Thatcher Island View", plein air field study, 9x12-Cape Ann, Rockport, waves, rocks, seascape with lighthouse

"Thatcher Island View", plein air field study, 9x12

This is the second painting that I did of the Thatcher Island Lighthouses on Cape ann. It's amazing how one can paint the same view at the same time of day and still see a completely different scene. Compared to the day before, there was a strong light on the upper left hand side of the water and yet the rocks were more golden and less orange. See below:

The wonderful thing about painting water is that nothing is ever the same. The moment is spontaneous, when a wave crests and falls, and one must use their memory to record it on the canvas. I only wish I had had more time in that lovely place to hone my wave-painting skills.

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