Thursday, February 07, 2013

"Morning at the Park", 11x14, oil on linen

"Morning at the Park", 11x14, oil on linen

Today Val Sandell did a demo at Oscar Scherer State Park  for the Light-Chasers plein air group. It is always interesting to see how different and varied an artist's technique can be. Val tones her canvas with the Richard Schmid concoction of black and Terra Rosa. This was new to me, but since I don't use black, I don't think I'll try it. She also uses small brushes throughout her painting process and yet in spite of that she had a great deal of her painting finished in only an hour. Now that's a pro! She used colors I don't use like raw sienna and raw umber and such but she does a wonderful job with those colors and none of her colors get muddy , as sometimes hapeens to me when I use earth tones.

I was inspired to paint after watching her and so above is the painting that I turned out today.

Here is Val's painting in progress after only an hour. Fellow plein air painter and friend Tony D'Amico happened to be walking by as I shot this, so I hope he doesn't mind being in the picture!

 As usual, there was a nice group of devoted Light-Chasers who turned out to watch the demo this morning!

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