Saturday, August 03, 2013

"View from the Pentagoet Inn", 9x12, oil on panel, Castine plein air festival, Pentagoet Inn, Castine, Maine, scenic towns in Maine

"View from the Pentagoet Inn", 9x12, oil on panel
(Note: Unfortunately, I do not have a better photo of this painting as it sold before I could take a decent photo)

Just got back from the Castine Plein Air festival, held in Castine, Maine last weekend. It was Castine's first plein air festival and I must say it was one of the best Paint-outs that I've ever attended. The chairpersons, Dan Graziano and Don Tenney, did a fanstastic job in making sure that everything ran smoothly- not an easy task for a one day plein air event!

I arrived a day early in the hopes that I could scout the town for a couple good painting sites. Unfortunately, the rain was torrential the entire day spoiling my plans. The sun finally broke through in the early evening and many artists could be seen walking around the streets of this immensely scenic little town to get a lay of the land and find their favorite spots.

Morning came and the sky still looked a little questionable from my view of Main Street at the Pentagoet Inn where I was staying.

After going to the Village Green and getting my panels stamped, the sun began to break through at last! But I decided to play it safe and paint under the awning just in case there was another downpour! By noon I had finished my painting and the sun was shining brightly!

After lunch I decided to make my way down to Dennet's Wharf for an afternoon painting. I'll post that one tomorrow as well as some photos of Castine's scenic harbor.

The evening art reception and sale was a beautiful event and there must have been at least 500 hundred people who turned out to view the art, meet the artists and purchase paintings!
A resident of Castine bought my painting and I had the opportunity to chat with her and learn a little more about Castine.  Here is my painting at the event with its red dot:

 The event was held at the Maine Maritime Academy and it was a beautiful site for an art event, featuring a wrap around deck that overlooked the beautiful hills and waters of Castine.

I also enjoyed spending time with my friend and fellow artist, Jane Sither and her family, who also traveled from Florida for the Paint-Out.

Overall, it was a wonderful event and I was very happy that I was invited to participate!

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