Monday, March 24, 2014

"Spit up, Tossed about, Knocked around, and Left to Rot", 8x8, oil on gallery-wrapped gessoboard , old boats, Point Reyes National seashore, wooden boats, Pacific Ocean

"Spit up, Tossed about, Knocked around, and Left to Rot", 8x8, oil on gallery-wrapped gessoboard (No frame necessary)

I have been wanting to paint this old boat ever since I saw it almost a year ago at Point Reyes National Seashore.

The old boat has seemingly been there for ages. Grounded  by low tide and unable to escape its inevitable destiny, the boat will most likely stay there and rot until some very wealthy conservationists decide to tow it off to a maritime museum for display

My visit to California last spring was full of light and inspiration. We started in Napa, spent time in the Carmel area and finally ended up in San Diego. It was a great trip and I have great memories of it.

Here's a picture of me painting at the Point Reyes National Seashore:

Anyhow, the old boat at Point Reyes was painted today because this year my family has been thrown a couple of lemons. In the end, I know that all the lemons will be used to produce amazing recipes- the zest, the juice, even the rind.

I just wish the problems had not all happened at once.

That being said, I am looking forward to the day when everything that the canker worms and the locusts have tried to destroy, will be returned one hundredfold.

Thanks for reading my blog. I hope that you enjoyed this post.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful painting, and I love your header. Greetings from Montreal, Canada.
