Friday, July 18, 2014

"Vixen Hill Springhouse, plein air sketch", 11x14, oil on panel, Chester Springs, Pennsylvania, quaint cottages in Chester County, springhouses, Chester Springs, Yellow springs, stone, fieldstone

"Vixen Hill Springhouse, plein air sketch", 11x14, oil on panel

The last time I stayed at the Vixen Hill Cottage, I took photos of the springhouse in the afternoon light, and painted it when I got home. That was two years ago, and I posted a photo of the painting on my blog here. 

I  recall that the first time I painted that structure, I was struck by how inexperienced I felt mixing the paints for all the earth colors that I saw in the stones.

This time around was much easier and the painting came together much quicker for me, even though it was plein air and completed in its entirety outdoors. What that tells me is that in two years I have grown as an artist, and grown especially in my comfort level of painting on location.

If you look at the photo below, you'll see that I tried to stay true to the colors that I saw in my surroundings, rather than pushing the color as I had done in my earlier attempt.

Am I growing as an artist? That is a question that every good artist will ask himself/herself as time goes by, and although I feel that I've had some major setbacks this year, I do see improvement as well. Whew!

If you are interested in purchasing this plein air sketch, just snd me an email at

Thanks for reading!

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