Friday, September 19, 2014

"Day's End, Good Harbor Beach", 8x10, oil on wrapped linen, plein air, Cape Ann, Gloucester beaches, impressionism, palette knife art

"Day's End, Good Harbor Beach", 8x10, oil on wrapped linen, plein air

Good Harbor Beach is located in Gloucester, on the North Shore of Massachusetts.  This little plein air painting was done during our recent August trip to Cape Ann, and this was my first chance to post.

Cape Ann is a rocky cape in northeastern Massachusetts on the Atlantic Ocean. It is located approximately 30 miles northeast of Boston and marks the northern limit of Massachusetts Bay. We visit there almost every summer becuase Rockport is so near and dear to my heart. We now have another reason to visit since my youngest son is attending the Harvard Kennedy School in Boston. Yay!

So in addition to visiting with our son and catching the beautiful soft sunlight on Cape Ann, we also made the trek to Orleans, Cape Cod for the American Women Artist's National exhibit.

I was very pleased to have been accepted into this prestigious national show for the second year in a row, and so oveall it was a great trip.

The sky was tinged in purple right before sunset on the August day that I set up my easel at Good Harbor. I hope you enjoy this painting. It has thick paint throughout and epitomizes the simple quaint beauty of this New England seaside town, captured quickly as the light kept fading.

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