Friday, November 07, 2014

"Blue Shutters, McCoy/Cigler Residence", 8x8, oil on board , painting the brandywine Valley, West Chester, beautiful homes in West Chester, Pennsylvania, Marshall street

"Blue Shutters, McCoy/Cigler Residence", 8x8, oil on board, plein air

It seems hard to believe that it was over two weeks ago since I painted this lovely home in West Chester, Pa. for Plein Air Brandywine Valley. I think that I missed the beautiful fall colors almost as soon as we hit the Georgia state line and everything turned green again. The absence of color (and people who know my art, know how much I love color!) down here in Florida throughout the year affects me in probably much the same way that some people experience SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder, a condition created by the lack of sunshine over northern skies for months at a time during certain times of the year. Maybe there should be a condition called BLOC that identifies people like myself who suffer from Bland Local Ocular Conditions! (just kidding.)

Back to the house...

I do believe this is one of the prettiest homes in all of the West Chester borough! The home is sort of a yellow ochre color with blue shutters that set if off beautifully. We were able to paint anywhere on the property and that was the hard task- choosing where to set up and paint!

Here  is a photo of some artists who set up out back in the pool area. Too bad it wasn't quite warm enough for a dip, but then again, how much painting would get done if it turned into a pool party?

In the end, I set up directly in front of the home. It was just too pretty not to paint!

In the end, the painting sold at the exhibit opening at Winterthur Museum. I do hope that the owners enjoy the painting as much as I enjoyed doing it!

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