Friday, July 31, 2015

"The Whaler's House", 11x14, After Hopper exhibit, Addison Art Gallery, Orleans, MA. Cape Cod, Edward Hopper, Edward Penniman House, MAryanne JAcobsen art

"The Whaler's House", 11x14

Tomorrow is the opening of the After Hopper show at the Addison Art Gallery in Orleans, Ma.

This show is an exciting collection of plein air work by a group of selected artists that reflect a connection to the work of Edward Hopper. Hopper often painted on the Cape and his work has been the inspiration of artists from coast to coast.

Hopper's handling of light on buildings was masterful. I chose to paint the Edward Penniman House because of the strong light and shadow patterns on the building and the distinctive architecture of the Whaling Captain's house, which was so reminiscent of many of the buildings that Hopper himself had painted in his day. See what I mean?

"Haskell's House" by Edward Hopper, watercolor

The Edward Penniman House is located on Fort Hill, not far from the Addison Gallery in Orleans.

Capturing The Penneman House on canvas was like stepping back into time, where I could almost hear the Whaler himself as he stepped out on the cupola of the roof of his mansion, his eyes darting to and fro across the horizon from his vantage point on Fort Hill. I could almost hear him clear his throat , followed by a sharp intake of breath as he spotted not one- but two whales  breeching in syncopation above the frothy waves not far from the Whaler’s House.

I elected to omit the whale bones and metal guard rail because I felt reasonably sure that they did not exist in Hopper's time and I wanted to try to stay true to the era.

There are many wonderful events on the Cape that will celebrate the "After Hopper" exhibit. Please check the website here for more details, and don't miss this wonderful celebration of an American icon, if you are vacationing on Cape Cod.

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