Monday, March 05, 2018

"Gibson Girl",16x16, oil, first place, award-winning paintings, figurative, portrait, Gibson Girl, Maryanne Jacobsen art, paintings of women, Venice Art Center

"Gibson Girl",16x16, oil

I was so very delighted to receive a first place award last week for my painting, "Gibson Girl", 16x16, oil on wrapped linen. Out of over a hundred entries, mine was chosen for the top award at the Venice Art Center's Spring Member's show in Venice, Florida.

According to Wikipedia, "The Gibson Girl was the personification of the feminine ideal of physical attractiveness as portrayed by the pen-and-ink illustrations of artist Charles Dana Gibson during a 20-year period that spanned the late 19th and early 20th century in the United States and Canada.[1] The artist saw his creation as representing the composite of "thousands of American girls."

Here is a picture of Gibson's pen and ink sketch, "Gibson Girls at the Beach".

I was happy with the way the  painting turned out, but it is always a special thrill when another artist recognizes its merit as well. A special thank-you to artist Ron Goulet , who is a wonderful artist in his own right, and who was the juror for the event. His comments about the painting were the following: “Remarkable handling of color and composition calls you across the room and does not disappoint up close; excellent collectible piece of art.”

Here is a better photo of the painting:

This painting is available for purchase for $1600, framed as shown above. Please send me an email at, if you are interested in purchasing this painting.

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