Thursday, November 26, 2020

"I see your True Colors", 9x12, oil, paintings of beautiful women. portraits, impressionism, MAryanne JAcobsen fine art

"I see your True Colors", 9x12, oil

Sometimes things are never as they seem on the outside. I have always been a curious person. I sit reading a book with my phone next to me, so I can look up any word I am not familiar with. I rarely find any, but when I am introduced to new words, I appreciate theft I have learned something new.

People are like that for me, too. I study people. I try to understand what is going on in the inside- their thoughts, feelings and fears. I have often wished for a kindred spirit that I could also share my inmost thoughts and fears with. To this day, I have never found that person. And it feels lonely.

As this painting developed, I was conscious of the fact that this young woman, who I was creating mainly from my own imagination, was hiding a great deal. There is a poetic quality to her. She is beautiful, sad and wistful at the same time. What is she thinking? I'll leave that to the viewer's imagination, but I have my own ideas.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

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