Friday, January 29, 2021

"Moonstruck", 5x7 , oil, white rose, painting of a white rose, small studies, little gems, small affordable paintings, paintings of roses, Maryanne Jacobsen fine art


 "Moonstruck", 5x7 , oil

Recently I decided to challenge my painting skills by attempting a white rose. Now that may sound like an easy task to some artists, but for me, painting a white rose was always a challenging thought. 

It was a "thought" because I never actually tried to paint one. I just assumed I couldn't do it.

Roses are so very complex. Their beauty is astounding, but mastering the painting of roses takes a great deal of skill. I have painted roses before. Some came a little easier than others, depending on what I was thinking at the time.

Our thoughts have a great affect on how we approach life, especially painting. I have often condemned myself before even starting! Such was the case with rose painting, and in particular white rose painting.

So last weekend I bought 6 lovely white roses that opened gradually over the course of a few days.

I picked one (they are all unique!) and put it in a bud rose vase and set about to paint it. Here was my reference and what struck me most about this photo is how very little you could actually see! Which is why we are always told to paint from life. Duh.

Anyhow, I must have wiped this thing out at least a half dozen times before I finally started to see the flower develop.

It's not perfect, but I felt like I accomplished something! The white rose was always a big bogey man in my mind. But now I feel better. Do you have any painting challenges that you may or may not have overcome? I'd love to hear about them!

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