Monday, June 17, 2024

"Morning Novena", 11x14, oil, Maryanne Jacobsen art, Carmel mission, Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo, Carmel-by-the-sea, Carmel California, Calfornia missions, mission trail

 "Morning Novena", 11x14, oil

When I visited the Carmel Mission in California a few years back, the steeples were under construction.

I have wanted to paint this beautiful church for a while now, but was put off by my reference photo, showing the construction site.

I finally decided to work around the obstacles and this was the result. The day I was there an elderly woman was just exiting the church with her walking stick. I thought about how poignant the scene was, with the devout old lady probably making her daily novena. And that is when I decided on the title.

I usually prefer painting buildings in bright sunlight, but I decided I needed more practice painting buildings in shadow.

If you are ever in the Monterrey peninsula, be sure to visit this serene and lovely mission built way back in 1770 and restored in 1940. It is also called Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo, but the Carmelites just call it the Carmel Mission. 

To read more about the mission, just go here.

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