Monday, May 14, 2012

Kathleen's Tea Pot, 8x10, oil on linen, paintings of teapots, flowers, daisies, white mums, oranges, blue teapot

"Kathleen's Tea Pot", 8x10, oil on linen

This painting came about as a result of my thoughtful friend Kathleen. Kathleen is an author and has spent many years living in England. She is married to an Englishman and she and her husband spend part of the year in England and part of the year at their home in Florida. We are neighbors and attend the same church and I feel very fortunate to know Kathleen and Chris.

Recently they invited us over for High Tea and my hubby and I had a delightful time on their patio sipping true Earl Gray brewed tea and eating the fresh shortbread that Chris had just baked. At one point we were in the midst of a conversation about knighthood when suddenly I must have gotten a weird look on my face because everyone stopped talking and looked at me.

I found myself staring at the lovely blue teapot on  the table and thinking how well the blue would look against a fresh orange. When they asked me what was wrong, I confessed that I had lost track of the conversation because I was enamored with the teapot!

The next day I continued to think about that darn teapot  as I went out to the mailbox to pick up the day's mail. And there on the bench on the porch was the lovely teapot!

It was so nice of Kathleen to think of me and allow me to borrow her teapot for this painting. I struggled a bit with it at first but in the end I was happy with the result. Here was my set-up for the still life:
To learn more about Kathleen Smith and the books she has written, please visit her blog at this link.

1 comment:

  1. It's beautiful!
    The blue teapot looks great!
    and the oranges are nicely working againt the blue.
