Tuesday, May 15, 2012

"Summer's Day-Peggy's Cove", 10x8, oil on linen-Peggy's Cove, palette knife seascapes, Nova Scotia, boats, Canadian provinces

"Summer's Day-Peggy's Cove", 10x8, oil on linen

I painted this one rather quickly, so I wouldn't get mired down in details, and I was happy with the outcome.

Impressionist paintings are intended to portray a brief moment in time, painted through an impression of the moment captured in the artist's memory, and without a lot of fussy details. There also should be passages that are kept vague, so that the viewer can fill in the details and the "rest of the story" for himself.

I have gotten away from impressionism for reasons that I can't even explain. I hope to return to that journey and this was a good start. The painting was done with only three colors, ultramarine blue, alizarin crimson and cad yellow. Just goes to show  that you can create an impressionist painting without a lot of colors on your palette!


  1. The intense blue in the water against the red building is very eye catching. Looks like a wonderful place to be.

  2. Your colours also sing and dance. Excellent use of complimentaries.
