Thursday, May 30, 2013

"Pink Ice Paradise, Pacific Grove", 12x16, oil on board

 "Pink Ice Paradise, Pacific Grove", 12x16, oil on board

One of the things that I enjoyed most about our recent trip to California, was painting the pink ice plants at Pacific Grove. So today and yesterday I set about to paint them again!

It was a cold and brutally windy April day, and as I set up I wondered if the wind would blow both me and my easel over the ledge and to the rocks below! In spite of the wind, I was totally enamoured with the idea of capturing these vivid pink carpets of spreading flowers, and set about to do so.

That's me in the distance painting away happily, as my hubby walked around taking photos of all the beauty:

In the end, I was really happy with my plein air sketch, and have already wrote about it on my blog here, but in case you missed it, here's the way my plein air painting came out:

I suspect that the plein air painting is closer to the local color than I depicted above, but I couldn't help myself in making a decision to push the color in the studio painting that I did today!

Here was the reference photo that I used. I decided to omit the sea wall and concentrate more on the pink carpet effect:

I really enjoyed painting this, and I hope that you enjoy it , too!

1 comment:

  1. I got the gift of a watercolor field set recently, started drawing for the first time as an adult. I was flummoxed by a field of blooming iceplants. Well I searched google for techniques on drawing ice plants. Saw a thumbnail of your painting. Took a photo in this spot years ago. Thought it was pretty cool that I could place the exact spot that you were capturing in your painting...
