"Dappled Garden" -Unfinished version of one of the paintings that I did for the paint-out on Thursday .
Yesterday was Summerville, an assisted living facility in Venice, Florida's first annual paint-out to benefit the Alzheimer Foundation.
I started painting at 9 in the morning and by 3pm I had completed 2 paintings of the same scene- one in morning light and one in afternoon light. A friend of mine was nice enough to snap a picture of one of the paintings while I was working on it, and I'm grateful that he did that because I never had a chance to take a photo of the finished paintings as they looked in the beautiful sunshine. I had just enough time to run home, frame the paintings, change my clothes and get back to Summerville by 5:30, which is when the cocktail party began. There was a wet paint sale held on the veranda under the moonlight, with art proceeds to benefit the Alzheimer foundation.
a Painting a day, Daily painters, original art , affordable art, impressionist paintings,plein air landsapes,paintings of Summerville,paintings of Florida, palette knife paintings,
Alzheimer Foundation benefit,
Florida assisted living paintings.