I must confess that I have really been struggling with painting rocks. Ever since I came back from our trip to Maine last month, I have realized how weak I am in painting rocks and rugged structures. I suppose it's because I really don't see a whole lot of rocky structures here in Florida. Everything is flat and sandy so I have nothing to go out and study and paint from.
Anyhow, I struggled with this quite a bit and did it over at least three times. That's what studies are for! I'll keep working at it, folks. I promise. In the meanwhile, this original oil painting has been reasonably priced because it is a study. It was done with a palette knife and has a lot of texture.
a Painting a day, Daily painters, original art , affordable original art, paintings of Acadia National Park, MAine art,contemporary impressionism, art blogs, paintings of MAine,alla prima,palette knife paintings,palette knife oil paintings,affordable original oil paintings,palette knife florals,colorist art>,a Painting a day, Daily painters, original art , affordable original art, floral impressionist paintings, colorist art,contemporary impressionism, affordable Maine art, original light house paintings,alla prima,palette knife paintings,palette knife oil paintings,affordable original oil paintings,affordable original art,colorist art>,
paintings of New England, Maine seascapes, lighthouse art , affordable original art, paintings of bayous, colorist art,contemporary impressionism, Florida art, Gulf coast paintings,paintings of swamps,Maryanne Jacobsen paintings, impasto paintings.
This is my favorite of Maine so far. I like everything about it.
It's surprising to learn that we were each in the same area at the same time while on The Journey. I believe we were right next door to each other while in Boothbay Harbor.
Hoping to see you tonight at your reception.
Having been a huge fan of yours before I even met you online, you have absolutely no idea what an honor it was to meet you in person. I feel as though we are kindred spirits, somehow.
It is unfortunate that we didn't have a chance to meet up in Maine, but I believe that our energies crossed somehow , nonetheless. I came back from that trip longing to paint, after many months of a total dearth in creativity. Your presence and words tonight continue to encourage me in my journey. I do hope somehow that our meeting tonight will also encourage your spirit to realize that your beautiful art is very much wanted and needed in this dreary world. I look forward to seeing your very next painting!
Thanks so much for coming tonight, dear lady.If ever you want to meet half way in Ft. Myers, to have lunch, go to a gallery, or paint, please let me know!
I'm so glad you too met. I'm tingling reading your interaction here in the comments. Sure wish I could have joined you! Isn't Nora wonderful? I just love her...
I can understand why. She exudes grace. She is a very classy woman, just like her paintings.
It was truly an honor to meet her!
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