This past week I participated in "Paint the Town", an annual invitational paint-out that took place this year in Bradenton, Florida.
One of the suggested painting sites was the Manatee Village Historical Park, where I have painted before. I decided to go back there and paint the other side of the same old house where I'd stood and painted a few months ago. There were not many people visiting the park that afternoon and aside from the roosters crowing and a stray tiger cat who kept rubbing against my legs, it was a very peaceful place in which to paint for a few hours.
The last time I painted this old building I had toned my canvas orange and it really gave the painting a warm Floridian glow. This time, however, I decided not to tone the canvas with orange and instead used burnt sienna which cooled the scene more than I'd expected, especially since I was painting in heat and humidity and wanted that warmth to translate to the canvas, too! In the end, I was still pleased with the way that it came out and I felt that it helped a lot that I was familiar with the building and had painted it before.
The painting will be on display and available for purchase through Art Center Manatee through April 28th.
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