Thursday, July 20, 2017

"Drama Queens in a Green Vase", 12x16, oil on linen, paintings of peonies, white peonies, Maryanne Jacobsen art, impressionist florals, outdoor still life

"Drama Queens in a Green Vase", 12x16, oil on linen

This was the first time that I ever attempted to paint a grouping of white flowers. I think the reddish centers of these peonies gave the painting the extra color needed to keep the painting from being boring.

I used a fairly limited palette of two yellows, two reds, and two blues, plus Winsor Green, and I found that this helped me from getting confused about how to mix the warm and cool neutrals.

When I look back to the first paintings that I did of peonies earlier this summer, I can see that I am becoming more proficient with painting these difficult, but beautiful blooms. This is probably the last of my peony paintings for awhile, since they are now out of season. Hopefully by next summer I won't forget what I learned this summer!

Saturday, July 08, 2017

"Kathy's Vase", 14x11, oil on linen, pink peonies, still life green vase, Maryanne Jacobsen fine art, Peonies, impressionist florals

"Kathy's Vase", 14x11, oil on linen

So if you follow my blog, you probably know that I work on peonies every year during the month of June, when they are in season in northern parts of the country. I go to Trader Joe's in Sarasota and scout out the best peonies I can find, and then the journey begins.

It is definitely a challenging journey to paint these things, because they are troublesome to capture. At least for me.Once they start opening , their petals go on and on forever like the pieces of tulle in a ballerina's tutu.

Here was my set-up in my shadow box in the studio:

I put them in the refrigerator overnight, but the one front and center lost most of its petals when I took it out, so I had to wing it.

I definitely will need another decade, before I can master these beautiful flowers!

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

"Candlelight Vigil for a Dying Peony"8x10, oil on panel-study, small works, peony study, painting from life, all prima, Maryanne Jacobsen Fine Art

"Candlelight Vigil for a Dying Peony"8x10, oil on panel-study

Peonies are only available for a short period time, and so I always rush to Trader Joe's every June and stock up on these gorgeous flowers. You can't grow them in Florida, and by the time we get them from areas where you can grow them, they have been through the trauma of transportation, so they' re never quite fresh enough. The result is that they only last a few days after I buy them.

I struggle with painting these beauties, probably because I don't have enough time throughout the year to practice them at my leisure, or maybe I am just making excuses. They are truly complex! So this peony study was an attempt to get a little better at painting them.

As you can see from my set-up, although it had already opened completely, the peony wasn't in bad shape when I began the painting. However, since I got the bright idea to light the candle directly under the peony to add some "atmosphere", the peony became a victim of my stupidity and quickly wilted.

Oh well. These elusive flowers are like most things beautiful- they never last forever.

This little study is available to purchase through my website for only $300, unframed. Shipping is free! Just click the link here to purchase or visit my website.