Saturday, January 13, 2018

"Venetian Light", 12x16, oil on masonite, gondolier, Venice canal, canal reflections, Maryanne Jacobsen art, paintings of Venice

"Venetian Light", 12x16, oil on masonite

This was a quick study of a complex scene, painted a few years ago. I wanted to simplify the scene so that the light at the back of the canal was the dominant centerpiece of the scene, rather than getting bogged down in a lot of details. I also experimented with  some earth colors like raw sienna and terra rosa, and found it advantageous to have earth colors on the palette when painting the ochres of Venice. It was a quick study of a complex scene, and taking it out today and refining it a bit was helpful, I think.

If you are interested in purchasing this painting, please send me an email at

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