Wednesday, June 26, 2024

"Mary's Garden", 12x12, oil, gardens, relaxation, women in hats, mothers day, sunflowers, table in the sun

 "Mary's Garden", 12x12, oil

I've painted this little scene a number of times. It was from a photo that my husband took of me reading a book in our back garden. 

In this one, I gave myself brown hair for a change, even though I'm a blonde. I loved the bright sunlight on the table and flowers, while I myself sat fairly sheltered under an old oak tree.

This could be any wife, mom or daughter on her day off-just enjoying the sunshine, a good book, and a glass of white wine!

Feel free to contact me at, if you are interested in this work.

Thanks for visiting my blog!

Monday, June 24, 2024

"Springtime, China Cove", 12x16, oil

 "Springtime, China Cove", 12x16, oil

I have painted this same scene numerous times in the past and I never get tired of it. The gorgeous Pacific Ocean stretching way back into the distance with the various little peninsulas stretching out in between makes for a wonderful study in creating distance and atmosphere in your paintings. 

I won a first place ribbon with my first rendering of China Cove, way back in 2015, judged by renowned watercolor artist  Vladislav Yeliseyev. The award landed me representation at a gallery in Sarasota, Florida. The painting was put in the front display window and immediately sold.

I have a wonderful memory of painting at Point Lobos State Preserve during the Plein Air convention in Monterrey 10 years ago. It was there on my second trip to the Preserve that I veered further south and discovered the beautiful little cove that was hidden away in a protected niche of the sanctuary. This is where the seals would come and play and nurse their cubs in the springtime. The waters were a translucent blend of vivid emerald and turquoise and cerulean blue, such as I had never before seen together in one place. So I set up my easel and paints, and allowed the beauty of that place to become a part of my memory. 

All around me I could hear seals barking, gulls reeling and nature in all its glory responding to this beautiful sanctuary of peace and tranquillity.

Here are some pictures from that day.

I have been blessed to paint in many beautiful places in this great country, but Point Lobos Preserve on the Pacific Coast will always be way at the top of the list of my favorite places to paint and visit.

If you are interested in this painting, please send me an email at

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

"Afternoon Shadows, Cortez Fishing Village", plein air , 11x14, Cortez Fishing Village, Starfish Grill, plein air, Old Florida, Gulf Coast

 "Afternoon Shadows, Cortez Fishing Village", plein air , 11x14

This was painted back in 2016 at the scenic little Cortez Historic Fishing Village, on Florida's Gulf Coast.

After first asking permission to paint of two men who seemed to be part of the place, I set up my easel right at the edge of the water, behind where you see the figure in my painting. I selected a great composition of two boats and the little fish shack that lies in the distance on the water as my composition, and had begun painting when someone came along and said, "Lady, you'll have to move so we can load the barge."

Well, of course! This is plein air and this is a working fishing village. So I packed up all my gear and moved to the foot of the walkway that goes up to the covered pier.

It turns out that the two men who I'd asked permission of were somewhat (I'm being kind) inebriated and had no work connection to the place at all. They stood nearby as I painted all afternoon and discussed politics, terrorism and how to change the world. It was different from listening to the gulls screech and I found after a while that I was kind of glad they were there. One even offered me a live starfish, which I dropped to the ground after realizing it was alive. You can see one of these friendly characters in my photo below.

I do miss painting in the great outdoors! The world is alive when you paint it from life. 

I haven't been to Cortez in a very long time. We used to eat lunch at the Starfish Grill, but I'm to even sure if it's still there or not. Check out this scenic little fishing spot if you are ever in Manatee County. It's definitely Old Florida!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

"Ghost Trees, Pescadero Point", 9x12, oil on linen, Ghost tree, Cypress trees, Monterrey Peninsula, 17 mile drive, Carmel, Monterrey, Pacific Grove, Pebble Beach, California art. Witch trees, Maryanne JAcobsen fineart

 "Ghost Trees, Pescadero Point", 9x12, oil on linen

The Ghost Tree and windblown cypresses make a definite statement along the beautiful 17 mile drive stretch of ocean highway on the Monterrey peninsula at Pescadero Point. The ghost tree stretches with its witchlike limbs into the sky directly behind a grove of twisted cypress trees. 

It's hard to stop there, but a little further along there is a small place to park and take pictures. The day we were there it was overcast without much contrast, but the scene was still impressive.

No wonder this area is a magical place for artists to paint!

Thanks for visiting my blog. I have many paintings of California on my website as well. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

"Morning Novena", 11x14, oil, Maryanne Jacobsen art, Carmel mission, Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo, Carmel-by-the-sea, Carmel California, Calfornia missions, mission trail

 "Morning Novena", 11x14, oil

When I visited the Carmel Mission in California a few years back, the steeples were under construction.

I have wanted to paint this beautiful church for a while now, but was put off by my reference photo, showing the construction site.

I finally decided to work around the obstacles and this was the result. The day I was there an elderly woman was just exiting the church with her walking stick. I thought about how poignant the scene was, with the devout old lady probably making her daily novena. And that is when I decided on the title.

I usually prefer painting buildings in bright sunlight, but I decided I needed more practice painting buildings in shadow.

If you are ever in the Monterrey peninsula, be sure to visit this serene and lovely mission built way back in 1770 and restored in 1940. It is also called Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo, but the Carmelites just call it the Carmel Mission. 

To read more about the mission, just go here.

Thank-you for visiting my blog. Please also visit my website at for more California art!

Saturday, June 08, 2024

"Napa Garden", 11x14, oil, Napa valley, paintings of gardens, A good year, wineries, chardonnay, Sterling vineyards, Gallery444, San Francisco, oil paintings

"Napa Garden", 11x14, oil

There are few things that feed my soul like beautiful gardens, flowers, and glorious sunshine. A little chardonnay is additional icing on the cake. 

My hubby and I had so much fun a few years back when we took a trip out to California and visited Napa and Sonoma Valley wineries. There were so many wine tastings that I can't even remember the names of the wineries anymore.

We took an aerial ride up to Sterling vineyards and had a wonderful lunch there overlooking the breathtaking vistas below us.

Our little Airbnb was beautiful and we took time to visit one of my galleries that represent me in San Francisco- Gallery 444.

Overall, it was an amazing trip, and one of many we've enjoyed over the years since our son moved to California years ago.

Although having loved ones living far away can  make us grandmothers feel sad at times (I miss my grandkids), there are some benefits to having kids live in lovely places!

Thanks for visiting my blog.