I made a conscious effort to make sure that the drawing on this painting was correct. After watching Calvin Liang's demo last week, it re-enforced to me the neccesity of good drawing skills in order to have a successful painting. So I took my time with this painting and carefully sketched out the compostion in a sketch book. That actually gave me a lot of confidence because there's a lot of perspective and foreshortening going on in this scene.
Then I did exactly what Calvin did, I sketched the whole composition out again on my panel with soft charcoal before beginning the painting. I do think the painting would have been much less successful if I had not taken these initial steps. I also tried my best to soften edges, as I saw him do. I was happy with the result and the photo does not do justice to the painting.
If you read this blog, please drop me a comment about what you think my painting style is predominantly- realism, expressionism or impressionism. I am just curious what you think so please let me hear from you!
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