Wednesday, April 26, 2023

"Friends Forever", 12x16, oil on gessoboard

"Friends Forever", 12x16, oil on gessoboard 

We visited my son and his family in California recently. and my daughter-in-law instead on taking me to a lovely place called Summer's Past Farm in San Diego County. I am a sucker for any kind of garden, but this one was especially unique and beautiful. They are open only certain days of the week, so if you are planning on visiting , be sure to check out their hours.

My 7 year old grand-daughter became enamored with the cats that hang out there, and I caught a photo of her petting one of the tabby cats. The scene was backlit and her blue dress made a lovely contrast against the bush of orange nasturtiums outside the doorway of the gift shop.

This painting is meant to be nostalgic, sweet, and a lovely memory of all things young, loving and innocent. I enjoyed painting it.

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