This painting was the result of two things.
#1 I had recently sold one of my favorite paintings ("God's Palette") which had been hanging in my family room since I painted it about 3 years ago. I sold it last month and the gaping space above the couch in the family room was really bothering me. So I set out to paint another "God's Palette".
The result is different, as it's always impossible to duplicate what you've done in the past. I then struggled with whether it was as good as God's Palette or not. Family members were supportive and assured me that it is as good or even better, but definitely different in color temperature and paint application.
#2- In using a lot of happy color, I was trying to get my mind off of the depressing state of affairs in the gulf of Mexico, but my daughter-in-law pointed out that my use of cool colors over the past 6 weeks is a bit indicative of my mood. Anyway, I do love this scene very much, and I think the fact that I've painted it a number of times reflects that love. It is a scene from Chester County, Pennsylvania where I lived for many years, off of French Creek in Birchrunville, and I certainly miss those beautiful autumn colors now that I live in Florida.
This painting is on hold and has been promised to a new collector who was disappointed when "God's Palette" sold and asked me to keep her in mind if I ever did another. The lady that is purchasing this painting, has said that she still prefers "God's Palette" to my new painting. I am hoping she will change her mind when she sees this in person! The colors are very vibrant and after touching up some passages yesterday, I can finally say that I am very happy with this painting.
Fellow artists, I would love to know what you think. DO you think this is a happy painting or not? Does your mood come through when you paint? IN what ways? Please leave me a comment!
This is definitely Happy Art. All your emotions reflect in your paintings. Anguish is evident in the painting on the Gulf of mexico. This is what art is all about. Probably your training as a ballet dancer helps you.
I think the predominance of violet blue makes this feel like a thoughtful painting to me. When the day turns ultra blue, that always feels like a thoughtful time of day. That said, I am always entranced by your fearless use of every color in the box and this painting is no exception.
I think the viewer brings his/her feelings to the painting also. For me the painting is absolutely beautiful. But the end of a fall has always made me feel anxious. Your use of color seems to reinforce that to me. Very wonderful painting!
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