Friday, August 18, 2023

"Fur Coat", 6x6, oil on panel, small portrait of people, portraits of women, women in hats, fur coat, staying warm, people watching


 "Fur Coat", 6x6, oil on panel

I think the most interesting thing in the world to paint is people. No two are the same, and everyone we see or meet on the street carries their own personal stories and experiences that have honed their characters, affected their demeanors, and sometimes touched our hearts.

Even a fleeting moment in time, like passing someone on the street corner, can evoke memories of someone we once knew who resembled the person on the corner, or perhaps created  thought patterns in our mind as we tried to figure out that person's own individual's story.

This woman in her big fur coat and hat has an enigmatic expression on her face that made me wonder what she was thinking, experiencing, or perhaps toying with in her own mind.

I love to people watch. How about you?

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